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Building up our community in faith and fellowship
four men having a bible study

Mission Statement

The Mission of the St. Luke Missionary Baptist Church is two-fold:

  • To carry the saving message of Jesus Christ into Galveston and the world through the witness of Spirit-filled men, women, and children, and;
  • To provide a biblically-based comprehensive disciple-making program for new converts and existing members that will bring them to maturity in Christ.
close up of man holding a bible in the church

Vision Statement

Our vision is to become a church that impacts its members, the community in which it operates, and the world at large by glorifying God and expanding and strengthening His Kingdom upon the earth. We will achieve these goals through the following means:

  • Developing and implementing new and innovative strategies for sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with lost humanity
  • Constantly surveying the needs of the community and responding to those needs we are equipped to impact
  • Engaging in worship in which the Triune God alone is the object of our worship
  • Bringing believers to maturity in Christ through the implementation of a Spiritual Growth curriculum, which will be mandated for all members of St. Luke
  • Strengthening the nuclear families as well as the family of God by providing opportunities for meaningful Christian fellowship

Church Motto

Our goal is to know God better than we know anyone else, so that we may delight in Him more than in anything else.

Reach Out to Us!

For inquiries or concerns about us or the programs we offer, please do not hesitate to connect with us today!